This blog is directed towards two good friends of mine...Misty and Laurie. Ditch your husbands! I have come to the conclusion that having friends with husband's named David will only lead to my lonliness...
Example #1 - David and Laurie
Keep in mind that I met David first, when I recruited him to Moscow, ID for a job at Gritman. But, then I met Laurie and she and I quickly became good friends. Then, David got this brilliant idea to move his family (Laurie and the kids included) to Del Rio, TX. I mapped it the other day...1900 + miles from me.
Example #2 - David and Misty
Misty and I were good friends in high school and were most recently able to reconnect when I moved to Spokane. Now her husband has decided that he wants to move away to finish his degree and start medical they will be moving too. Granted, only about 800 + miles away, but still, away.
So, girls, listen up. Move in with me. You can all occupy my extra room in the basement. We'll get will be like a big slumber party! :-) I understand that you may miss your husbands, and I will ocassionally allow for weekends away, however, none of this moving so far away that I can't see you but for twice a year business anymore! Got it! :)