Matthew has been asking a lot of questions about Alex being born lately. So, tonight I found the CD of the pictures of him when he was born. He was totally amazed at how little he was. Funny thing is, he looks just about the same, especially when he is mad! :)
I went to the hospital on Friday, January 9, 2004 at 5:00 am for my induction. I was 39 weeks into a very long pregnancy and couldn't wait to hold my baby boy for the first time. The nurse started the pitocin at 6:00 am and Dr. Barrong came in and broke my water at 8:15 am. By 3:20 that afternoon (and after 2 hours of pushing and a baby who was stuck), Matthew Wayne Buck was born...9lbs 1oz, 20 inches long. I was so happy to have Kevin, my mom, Kristin and my dad all in the delivery room with me. And, for those of you who are wierded out by the fact that my dad was there, he spent the entire time in a rocking chair at my head.
Here are some pictures from the day our baby boy came into our lives.
Matthew and his grandma (you can see that their special bond began day 1):

Aunt Kristin and Matthew:

Probably one of my favorite pictures of Matthew and I:

Grandpa feeding Matthew one of his first bottles:

Matthew and the proud daddy: