Wednesday, July 16, 2008

36 Week Update

I am now going weekly to the doctor. I have an ultrasound scheduled on the 21st (Monday) to determine the size, or anticipated size, of this little man. Dr. B said that we will be having more "discussions" on the 24th (my next appointment) as to the direction that we will be headed with bringing Alex into the world. I am currently sitting at a 3+ and 80% effaced. He was able to bring on some contractions yesterday after my exam, so that is good. While I am still have sporadic contractions, they have been lasting longer (i.e. every 10 minutes for 2 hours) before they stop. I just have a feeling that Alex is going to to hold out until the bitter end...just like his brother. In my heart I know that is best for him, but I am going off very little sleep at this point, and starting to go a little nuts!

I am starting to work shorter days due to swelling. It isn't really practical to put my feet up anywhere in my office and still work, and poor ankles get so swollen after about 4 hours of sitting. The good news is that Dr. B thinks it just water weight since my blood pressure is really good still and I am not spilling any proteins in my urine. Really, I couldn't be asking for things to go any better.


moxie mama said...

i loved when it changed to weekly appts! i think i thought that part would never come or something. good luck with these last weeks!!!

The Mac Attack said...

Good Luck!!! Walk alot even though it didn't work for me.

Linda said...

Good luck! Alex will be here soon. FYI I took a little something over to Misty's for Alex this last weekend. You're in our prayers>