Thursday, August 14, 2008

Running- Week 2 Day 2

Check...done...I did it.

Thanks to a baby who didn't feel that sleep was necessary between 3 and 6 AM on Wednesday, Misty and I had to move to Thursday. Sorry to throw off the schedule Mist.

I also got on the scale on Tuesday and guess how much I lost?! NOT ONE POUND!! I was about to pack in the running thing and go back to eating my Hagen Daas Ice Cream on the couch while complaining about how large I am (not really, but it just gives you a visual of how disappointed I am) until I decided that Rome was not built in a day, and weight loss is something that is going to take me a few weeks. I am just anxious to get to my 6 week appointment having something to show for it other than a baby :-)

So...until Saturday!

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