As usual, I was the only mommy who works. I don't know why that bothers me so much, but it just does. I guess I sometimes feel like they are all looking down on me because I don't spend every waking moment of my day with my kids. Thankfully, I have a great boss who will let me take some time away for things like field trips and special programs.
Matthew's class is the "Teddy Bear" class:

Here is Matthew sitting in "circle time" with his classmates:

Matthew helping to open a special new gift for his classroom with Mrs. Nyholm and the other boys:

I've decided it's because non working moms are just jelous that working moms get a break from the kids during the week. And that's why they look down on us. Yeah for his first day of school. He looks pretty happy to be there.
Also on the running post just keep doing something every little bit helps.
So it's started. The school days. Good luck with all of that:) I was excited last spring when I went to my last teachers conferences and made my last school lunch. Have fun! The hardest part was when their was a teacher that didn't think my child was as wonderful and perfect as I did. :)
For the record, a lot of SAHM's that I know feel looked down upon by working moms. Apparently we all need to get a grip and be happy in our own skin. ;) I feel like I have the best of both worlds. Not only that, I get to be the boss whether I'm being Mom or being Photographer lady. :)
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