Sunday, November 16, 2008

Prayers needed please

Tonight at family dinner we got some news that was a little disheartening. My dad went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago because of some headaches that he had been having. The doctor ordered an MRI and they found a small spot on his frontal lobe. No one is quite sure what to make of it. It could be anything from an infection, to the early stages of M.S. to a tumor. My mom and dad are going to the neurosurgeon Thursday of this week.

Please pray for my dad and our family that this is nothing serious. The good news is that his doctor feels that whatever he has is very treatable and nothing to be overly concerned about, but that doesn't make me any less worried.


Jade said...

We will definitely be praying for your family. If it turns out to be MS I can try to help, at least in terms of letting you know resources that have helped us. Let us know if there's anything we can do to help at all.

Misty said...

You got it!

Amanda said...

My thoughts and prayers will be with you - keep us updated!