Sunday, December 14, 2008

Elbows deep in....

So, Alex had his first official illness...the stomach flu. Better known as Gastrointeritis. It started out all innocent with a few soft poopies, but quickly manifested into a full on diaper changing event. Just to give you an idea...Kevin changed 5 diapers between 2am and 8am, all nasty. Then the vomitting started. After 5 days of Poopie Madness 2008 and then 2 days of vomitting, we decided to call the pediatrician. No luck getting him in there. So, we considered urgent care...then I realized that we would most likely be sent to Sacred Heart anyway for rehydration. Kevin and I ended up just bringing him to the ED so that we weren't waiting for 2 hours at urgent care, and waiting again at the ED for an IV.

Alex took his IV like a champ. They were able to rehydrate him and he acted like a whole new baby...but it was sad to see the IV sticking out of his poor little baby hand. And what kind of parents would we be if we didn't take at least one picture? It is on Kevin's phone, so I will get it off and add to this post soon.

I think that the baby has had more than his fair share of trips to the doctor recently, so I am hoping that the poop and vomit fairy won't be visiting him again for a LONG TIME!


The Mac Attack said...

Oh Im sorry that sucks. I hope the poop fairy doesnt visit again either.

moxie mama said...

aw poor baby:(

Justin and Barbara said...

We had poopapalooza sucks!