Saturday, June 23, 2007

Outdoor fun

I love our town. We have some of the best parks here. Matthew loves to be outside running around. He is going to be our marathon runner! One of our parks has the best slide ever. It is a big radio flyer wagon slide. The pictures are of Matthew and his friend Jacob at the park this spring...they had the best time ever! There is also a carousel at the park that Laurie and I took the kids on. Allen really loved it and even likes to still go "up and down" on our laps!

The kids were so cute taking turns down the slide. Matthew is still asking to go to the park with Jacob (hint, hint is time to get back up here!).

Thursday, June 21, 2007

I am so lucky

This is a little late for Father's Day but I just had to share about how lucky I am to have Kevin. Not only is he a fabulous husband he is a wonderful dad. Matthew and Kevin have a bond that is unbreakable and so sweet to watch. Matthew just loves to do anything that Kevin is doing. Recently, we started talking about things to do this summer. Kevin and I both have bikes that we like to use, but we didn't have a great solution for Matthew. We looked into the seats that attach onto the bike, but they are only safe for up to 45lbs...Matthew will hit that soon I am sure. So, Kevin bought the coolest thing ever...a bike that attaches to the back of Kevin's bike for Matthew to ride on, but he doesn't have to peddle. He LOVES it! Now that the weather has turned nicer Kevin takes Matthew to school on his bike in the mornings and picks him up in the evenings. He is the envy of all of his little friends at school.
The picture that is attached to this blog was taken by a good friend of ours the day that Matthew and Kevin bought the bike attachment. When they got home that night we HAD to go for a short bike ride because Matthew couldn't wait anymore to get back on it. I have to admit he looks mighty cute in his little bike helmet too!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

My new job

No, I haven't changed to a clinical type job...but this is me in scrubs. My second day on the job at Sacred Heart found me shadowing one of our Assistant Nurse Managers in our neuro surgery unit. I am sure that there were several bets lost that day when I didn't pass out! I witnessed several cool things, including a tumor removal. It makes me appreciate even more what OR nurses do, because I most certainly couldn't be an OR nurse! :-) The picture is a little blurry, but you get the point.
The picture before that is what I normally wear to work. Kevin took that one of me on my first day at work.
I was so exaughsted my first week that I was going to bed at 4:30pm (no, that is not an exaggeration). I am starting to feel like I have more energy now, but I know that it is all going to change these next couple weeks as we have budget, inventory and Empath to handle before I go on vacation in 2 1/2 weeks! I have to admit, though, I am loving every minute of being busy!