Sunday, January 27, 2008

Snow, snow and more snow

This is INSANE!!! Last week it was down into the negative digits...yesterday we got snow...and snow...and snow...and more snow. It is crazy. We measured 17 inches on our deck, Kevin is outside shoveling it off right now.

Needless to say, I am so over this!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Matthew's big news!

When I went to pick Matthew up tonight I was greeted by his teacher, Miss Erin, with some really great news. As of February 1, he will be moving up into the Pre-Kindergarten class at Kindercare! They feel that he is advanced enough in his knowledge of basic concepts in his current class that he is ready (and needing) to be with some older kids! We are so thrilled!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

11 week picture

As promised, here I am at 11 weeks pregnant.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Pregnancy Update -- Week 11

I had my first appointment with my doctor--we'll call him Dr. B. Everything is looking good. We weren't able to get any fetal heart tones this time, but we didn't get them on the doppler with Matthew until week 14 or 15.

Everything is status quo. Dr. B says that this time around we are shooting for a "very boring pregnancy". I second that motion! Boring is good. Boring means (hopefully) no extended hospital stays, no drugs to stop contractions at 24 weeks, just routine, lame, "hi, how are you" prenatal vists.

I am hoping to post pictures of my ever expanding stomach in the next couple of days. Until then...