Monday, August 11, 2008

Wii Fit Invades Our House

Wii Fit is pretty cool. My sister and brother-in-law bought one that they decided they didn't want, so we bought it from them. Matthew loves it, and Kevin is using it to keep track of how much weight he is losing (he is down 1.8 pounds since last week). I haven't really gotten around to using it yet, but I know that I am doing something right because I was able to get back into a pair of pre-pregnancy pants this weekend (they were tight, but I could get them on, over my behind and even zipped without having to suck in!)

Here are some pictures of Matthew doing the ski jump...he was bummed because daddy filled up all of the "place holders" on the game, but I was pretty impressed with his skills.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Keep me filled in on how you like because I think I want one. It does yoga and stuff too right?
Also good job on the running! I'm glad you and Misty have each other to do that with.
Tell Matthew I thought it was great he was helping you with the dishes. Good job!