Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Texas in October

I just got back last night from a wonderful visit with my good friend, Laurie, and her family. I took Alex with me and we began our adventure last Tuesday morning at 6AM with a flight from Spokane to Denver, a short stop and on to San Antonio. Now, allow me to brag. Alex didn't cry once, not even a whimper. I think people naturally get very nervous when they see an infant get on a flight...but Alex impressed everyone with his ability to just sit there and be quiet. What a good baby! The drive from San Antonio to Del Rio was another story...have I mentioned that my baby HATES his car seat?

David and Laurie are moving to another home in Del Rio this week, so most of the week was spent packing up and taking small loads to their new house. Then, David gets the bright idea (on Friday night mind you) to have a yard sale on Saturday morning. This story will take an entirely separate blog. Let's just say that David wasn't as organized as he could have been and there were random people wandering into the room that I was sleeping in to look at the tv that was in the room. Ever been woken up by strange people looking at you speaking a foreign language?

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