Sunday, December 21, 2008

Alex Update - Sunday

We managed to make it through the night with just a little skiff of diarreha in the diaper. Alex was offered Nutramagin last night around 8pm...and promptly spit it back out at us. He is not too impressed with his new diet.

This morning we had more blood work drawn to see how his bi-carb level was...and it is still only at 18, so still considered to be low. We need to get him at 20 and sustain it there before they will consider allowing us to go home. It will help if we can get him to eat some more formula. The hospitalist was just in to see us and said that if he continues to refuse the Netramagin she will write for a formula that is a little more vanilla flavored...and is covered by our insurance! :)

Until tomorrow...


Misty said...

What's bi-carb levels?

The Buck's said...

Apparently they detect the electolyte levels in the blood. His are still low from all the diarehha

Linda said...

I'm sorry to hear about little Alex. Poor baby. I am catching up on reading blogs. I sure hope you are home by now and he's doing better. Allergies are a pain in the rear. Milk is a tough one. Michael wasn't allergic to milk so that was nice, just several other things. I hope you have a nice Christmas.