Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The best vacation ever...part 1

We just got back from Hawaii! It was the most amazing vacation ever. Kevin had a conference there and I joined him later in the week with some friends of ours. The first day we were all there we went to the ocean and played in the water. The only thing that sucked was that a wave took me and pounded me against the coral on the bottom of the ocean, jamming my toes pretty good. Not fun! So, now I am in a walking boot for the next week until the swelling goes down. ARGH! And for the first time in my life I actually have some color other than blinding white. :)

This is a picture of the happy tourists after an amazing dinner at Atlantis Seafood and Steak. There will be more to come in the next few days...if I put all of the funny moments into one blog it would be about 4 pages long.

This is Kevin and Laurie. They were responsible for getting us around during the week. So, they were the driver and the navigator. Laurie is awesome at reading maps...thanks to her we only got lost once or twice! :-)

This is David and I. We were known as the backseat drivers. When we weren't fighting with each other we were making fun of Kevin's driving...poor Kevin...he really had to put up with a lot from us. By the way, David, the bite marks have left from where you bit my arm!

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