Monday, September 15, 2008


For those of you who are not Lutheran, I need to share with you the exchange that occurs at the beginning of each service so that you have a better appreciation of Matthew's exchange with his preschool teacher on Friday:

Pastor: May The Lord Be With You
Congregation: And Also With You

I go to pick Matthew up on Friday from school, which happens to be a part of our church. I am on my cell phone with Kevin (not driving) in the car having already buckled Matthew in. All of a sudden I hear this exchange:

Matthew: Goodbye Mrs. Nyholm
Mrs. Nyholm: Goodbye Matthew
Matthew: May the Force Be With You

Sunday we got up and went to service for the first time in 7 weeks. Matthew always goes to the nursery for the majority of the service, but we bring him out for communion and prayers at the end. Sunday he was particularly talkative

Matthew ("whispering"): Daddy, is it time to go?
Kevin: No, Matthew.
Matthew ("whispering"): Why?
Kevin: Because the service isn't over
Me: Matthew, be quiet
Matthew (in an even louder "whisper"): When are they serving the food and juice?

And, by far the funniest thing he said on our way out of the parking lot in the car on Sunday:

"See ya later suckers"