Friday, January 16, 2009

Closer to a diagnosis

This blog is going to be quick, as I am on my way to work. We think that we have a diagnosis for Alex. It is called gastroparesis and is the result of a really bad stomach bug that he caught in early December (when this whole thing started). The good news is that we are with one of the best pediatric gastroenterologists in the region, the not so great news is that it can take 3-12 months for this to go away and we have to continually watch his weight and keep him on the $200 per week formula. ARGH!

We go back to the doctor on the 22nd for a follow up and review of all of the tests. I will post more after that visit.

Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers. It has been a long road, but I can see the end of this journey.


Powellak said...

I am so glad you have found some answers! Keep your chin up!

Linda said...

It's nice to know they know what to treat now hopefully. God Bless your family!