Sunday, February 17, 2008

Our little NASCAR driver

Today was officially "opening day" for the 2008 NASCAR season. The Daytona 500 was on, but on our street we had a little race of our own.

For Christmas my parents bought Matthew an official #8 race car that he can drive himself. Today it was actually nice enough for him to get out in the street and drive it. He was so cute racing up and down the street, with Kevin following behind making sure that he didn't get hit by any cars. When my mom and I came back from shopping this afternoon he wanted to race her as she was leaving. Since she is the best grandma in the world (Matthew's words, not mine), she raced him...and he won! So, here is to a great NASCAR season!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too cute! yay Grandma for letting him win!