Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Four is not my favorite age

My friend Misty and I have discussed this quite a bit over the past few weeks, but I just want it known that 4 is not my favorite age. Whoever coined the phrase "terrible twos" obviously never had a 4 year old. Lately, Matthew has become extremely mouthy, demanding and forgetful of his manners on a fairly regular basis. Here is a typical conversation these days:

Me - "Matthew"
M - "What"? (sharp, irritated tone)
Me - "Could you come here please"
M - "No"
Me - "But I need to talk to you"
M - "But I don't need to talk to you"

My other personal favorite is the way the just break down, over nothing at all. For example, this morning I heard Matthew crying in his room so I went in there to see what was wrong. When I walked in, he looked at me and started crying even more because he wanted his daddy, not his mommy. So, then I had to waddle out to the couch to find Kevin (who was snoring, as usual, which is why he was on the couch) and wake him up to go and console our child.

I think if you survive the 4's once, you will be okay for future children...but I am certainly not looking forward to them again. Ah...only 9 more months until he turns 5! It gets better, right?


Misty said...

It does get better by 5. It does NOT get easier with future children. Sorry. lol

moxie mama said...

i've decided jov's gonna skip age 4

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think that my new little one will be skipping it too! :)

The Mac Attack said...

Yeah Im not looking forward to Mae turning 4. @ least your almost over it with Mathew.