Saturday, April 26, 2008

Our little soccer star

Kevin and I really wanted Matthew to get involved in some kind of a team sport this spring, but we were told that he didn't make the cut for age because he wasn't born before 12/31/03 (his birthday is 01/09/04). Thanks to my good friend Misty, who has awesome connections, we were able to get Matthew signed up for spring soccer through the Spokane Youth Sports Association. So, every Saturday for the past 3 weeks we have been going to soccer, 30 minutes for practice, 30 minutes for a game. It is really cute, and Matthew is learning some great skills!

Since it was so nice out today, Kevin brough the camera with him (while I was at the DMV getting my license renewed) and took some pictures before I got there. Just had to share them.

Doing push-ups before practice:


Misty said...

Cute! I'm so glad he's enjoying it!

Amos Annan said...

Spokane JUNIOR Soccer has a soccer program for kids this age...