Saturday, April 5, 2008

We Hit a Wall

Matthew is post surgery 8 days today and we have hit "the wall" that Dr. Olds warned us about. Poor thing keeps waking up in the middle of the night, hurting from the scabs that are starting to heal now, needing more pain medication...needless to say, he's got two very sleep deprived parents right now.

We have our follow up on April 10 with Dr. Olds and we don't anticipate any problems. I called the nurse on Friday since Matthew was almost out of his pain medication (they had us give it to him every 4 hours for the first 4 days) and she was very nice and called us in some more to help get through the wall! Today has been a pretty slow day at our house. He is going back to daycare on Monday, so we'll see how a full day of activity goes.

Again, a special thank you to our friends, Paul and Naomi, for letting Matthew come to their house on Monday and Wednesday and to my dad for watching Matthew for us on Friday. You are all wonderful!

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