Sunday, March 30, 2008

Quit Touching Me

Allow me to vent:

I don't understand what it is about complete strangers feeling that they can invade your personal space when you are pregnant. If I was heavy, would these same people feel the need to "reach out and touch" my stomach? Case in point, tonight I went to the store to get some ice cream and waffle cones. The cashier was asking me about whether or not I thought Angelina Jolie was having twins and when I said "they thought I was having twins at first" she reached out and touched my stomach and said..."when are you due?"

So, again, my personal space was violated. The sad thing is, this is not the first time. My advice, quit touching women you don't know. I don't mind it if I know you, but if you wouldn't be able to pick me out of a lineup of other pregnant women, DON'T TOUCH ME! Hands off, leave me alone.

On a happier note, we only have a couple of more weeks until we find out what we are having! I can't wait! I won't be posting it on my blog, however, so be watching your emails for the announcement.

1 comment:

moxie mama said...

i'm so sorry a cashier touched your stomach! i HATE when people don't have any boundries.