Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My boys...angels when they sleep

These past couple of weeks I have been at work quite early (6:00 - 6:30) because of meetings. It is nice because then I get to go home at 3:00, but it is also kind of lame because I am super tired these days and could probably use about 2 more hours of sleep in the morning.

Per my usual, I got showered, got dressed and did my hair and makeup. Even though he isn't usually awake, I always go into Matthew's room to kiss him on the forehead and look at my sleeping angel. Then, I head out to the couch (where Kevin has been sleeping recently due to an excessive amount of snoring!) and kiss my husband on the forehead and sneak out quietly. Well, this morning, I found this instead of a sleeping boy in his bed:

They were both on the couch sleeping. I woke Kevin up to find out if everything was okay, apparently Matthew had a pretty restless night. I left the house this morning with a big smile on my face, because I know that soon Kevin is going to have two little boys who want to sleep with him on the couch!

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