Friday, May 2, 2008

It's a....

Okay, most of you out there know what we are this isn't going to be a shocking post for you. But, there have been a few people who have been "left out in the cold" so to speak on how this pregnancy is going (basically because I don't think they really care how I am doing) I decided to post a quick update on how things have been going thus far.

First of all, we are having another little boy. His name will be Alexander (Alex)Quentin. Matthew picked out the first name...the middle name is in honor of my mom's dad who is no longer with us. I miss my grandpa everyday and wish that he was here to see my kids.

I am 25 weeks pregnant. Everything is going fine. I make it to the gym 3-4 days a week and there are no concerns. The doctor has told me to make sure and keep my stress at a minimum, so I have been working only 8 hours a day and really working at not stressing over things or people. It is very freeing when you quit caring about what people think or do, especially when past behaviors have indicated that they will never change. Kevin has been amazingly supportive of my feelings and has just let me go and do my thing. He is so wonderful! All of the stress that we have been under lately has only brought us closer together as a couple.


moxie mama said...

i love his name! and it's fun that matthew got to help.

when you said you weren't going to post on your blog whether it was a boy or a girl i was so sad. but then i realized you'd prolly tell misty so i just asked her. i'm very happy for you!

Justin and Barbara said...

Yeah for stress free life! It is always so liberating to realize...I could give a crap! Take care of yourself and that little man.