Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July goes to the dogs...literally

We had a great 4th of July! I went into work for a few hours, then came home, took a nap, got up and went to my mom's house where we joined my family and our cousins for a nice relaxing evening of food and fun! My mom always outdoes herself! After dinner we left for the roof of the employee parking garage at Sacred Heart to watch the seat in town, especially because you don't have to fight downtown traffic trying to get home. Our friends Misty and Dave and Paul and Naomi and their kids all joined us!

We pull up to our house about 10:45 and notice a dog that is wandering around our yard. This poor dog is obviously lost and refused to leave our yard. Thankfully, the owners put a tag with their phone number on it. Just as Kevin was making the call about that dog, another dog came into our yard and refused to leave. Again, the owners had enough sense to put a tag on it, but there was one hitch...they didn't answer the phone! We called again about 20 minutes later...still no answer. Kevin calls Spokanimal (because the dog is licensed like they are supposed to be) and they tell us that WE need to keep the dog overnight until someone can come the next morning. So, I trek off to Safeway to get this poor dog some food and when I come back we notice how nervous the poor thing is. I tell Kevin that there is no way that we can just let him stay outside all night, banging up against our doors and crying, so he called Spokanimal again. Basically the response he got this time was "well, we'll let the authorities know that this dog may be wandering around". Um, okay...what is the purpose of licensing your animal (for it's protection, might I add) if the stupid people who run the shelter aren't going to come an pick it up.

At about 11:30 the owners called us and came to get dog #2. Apparently they had rescued him a few years ago and he gets very anxious. He was so happy to see his owners that he ran straight into our house and out the front door. What amazed Kevin and I the most was that both dogs that ended up in our yard had traveled a significant distance from their homes...couple that with the boom of the fireworks and we ended up with two very nervous animals...but two very happy owners.

The funniest part of all of this was Matthew..."so, what are we going to name our new dogs"?


Linda said...

Poor doggies. You're right. I bet the fireworks scared them and they got lost. Yeah for the owners who put their names on the tags. Matthew wants a puppy? That's what you need now huh? LOL

The Buck's said...

I know...that surprised me because usually he is terrified of dogs! :)

The Buck's said...

One was a boarder collie and the other was a boxer mix. Both beautiful dogs!