Thursday, July 24, 2008

Okay everyone...start praying

I am not Catholic, I am Lutheran. We don't pray to saints, we pray directly to God. But, the benefit of working for a Catholic hospital is that we have Catholic sisters all around who can answer questions about praying to saints. Sister Rosalie is awesome...I love her to death and while I am not Catholic I am I am asking you all to join with me in praying to St. Gerard, the patron saint of expectant mothers. I don't care if you are Catholic or not, the power of prayer is still one of the most amazing things there is in the world.

Here is the prayer:
O almighty and everlasting God, through the Holy Spirit, You prepared the body and soul of the glorious Virgin Mary to be a worthy dwelling place of Your Divine Son. Through the name of the Holy Spirit, You sanctified St. John the Baptist, while still in his mother's womb. Hear the prayers of your humble servant who implores You, through the intercession of St. Gerard, to protect me from the dangers of childbearing and to watch over the child with which You blessed me. May this child be cleansed by the saving water of baptism and, after a Christian life on earth, may we, both mother and child, attain everlasting bliss in heaven. Amen.

I had an ultrasound yesterday, he is big. Dr. Barrong checked me today, I am at a 4 and 85% effaced. What does this mean, you might ask. NOT A DARN THING! He doesn't think I will make it through the weekend, I told him I would see him on Monday at my OB appointment. I will remind you that I went in to be induced with Matthew at a 5, so I am not holding out any hopes for having this kid this weekend.

1 comment:

The Mac Attack said...

Im in. Hope he shows soon! Good Luck!!!