Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Does this make anyone else mad?

Another summer day, another story about a "parent" leaving their toddler in the hot car. Everytime I read or hear about these, I get sick to my stomach. For example, a woman's young child died on her wedding day because she left the child in the car while she was getting her nails done. Apparently no charges were filed because she claims that she didn't know that her child was in the backseat. REALLY?? You mean to tell me that a toddler didn't make one single noise during the ENTIRE drive to the salon? Lady, what is your secret? I can't get Matthew to be quiet for 5 minutes.

Another story out of Salt Lake. Some jerk left his child in the car while he was inside a nice, airconditioned theatre watching the new Batman movie. After 2 hours, someone else coming into the theatre parking lot called 911. The theatre stopped the movie and the man was arrested, while fellow movie goers threw popcorn and pop at him...personally, lock him in there with the audience for 5 mintues and let them go to town on him. GET A BABYSITTER.

Being a parent is not about doing what is best for YOU, but what is best for your child. Why is it that people don't get this? Has our society become so selfish that innocent children suffer at the hands of parental stupidity? Why is it that you need a license to drive, to fish, to hunt...yet no one needs a license to have kids and then those children are treated in a way that would make any prisoner scream "cruel and unusual punishment". Sad thing is, the prisoner would probably win a court case...but these tiny little kids can't speak for themselves. It is time for people to start being more responsible and stop focusing on themselves. No wonder we are starting to see children who don't trust anyone and have no respect for authority...they were probably taught at a very early age that they can't depend on anyone but themselves.


Misty said...

that really sucks. Did the baby die?

The Buck's said...

The toddler that was left by the mom while she was at the salon did, but the other baby didn't. Severe dehydration.