Thursday, June 26, 2008

Dosen't It Just Figure

Back in February, some of my friends in the OR scheduling office were going on and on about this book called Twilight by Stephanie Meyer and how I needed to read it. Well, I am always game for a good book and was looking for something to read...I finished it in 3 days. Then, I borrowed book 2and finished that in 4 days (only because I was reading it while I was in Texas visiting friends and felt obligated to socialize!). Now, I am not going to lie, book 3 sat around my house for a few months, but I finally decided I was ready to sit down and read it again...4 days later I finished that one too. Needless to say, I am hooked!

Book 4 is scheduled to come out on August 2. I already pre-ordered it through Amazon so that it will be at my house on August 2, but I am very nervous about this release date...given that it is only 3 days before my due date and there are already indications that I will go early. Thank goodness that my last official day at work is going to be August 1 with a planned induction date of August 5. That gives me 3 days to read book 4. If nothing else, I will just get the epidural early on in labor and read through my labor.


The Mac Attack said...

The Twilight series is so dang addicting. Welcome to the club. I hope you get your reading wish.

Misty said...

Dude, you'll have plenty of time to read even after Alex is born. You'll be off work and everytime you have to sit and nurse. Book time!

moxie mama said...

i'm re-reading them right now to get ready for book four!!!

also you might be interested in

i think edward is a much more complex and intersting character compared to bella--sometimes her 'highschoolness' drives me nuts! i'm very excited to get inside his head.

moxie mama said...

oh also the trailer for twilight

Misty said...

Oh, I loved that chapter from Edward's POV. And ftr, I'm firmly on team Jacob. I'll be blogging all about it closer to the release date. lol.

Jade said...

What is it with this series? I had never heard of it, and in the last two months it's almost all I hear about. It's insane.