Saturday, June 14, 2008

Haircut Drama

If there is one thing that Matthew hates more than anything in the world it is getting his hair cut. We literally have to prep him for about a week to get it done. We have tried taking him places here, but everywhere we have been requires that he sit on the chair by himself. I can tell you that isn't going to happen! So, a few months ago we bought our own set of clippers to start doing this at home. Last time I cut his ear, which freaked him out...this time I managed to poke him in the eye with the comb because he wouldn't hold still. Drama, drama, drama! You woud have thought that we were killing him.

Here is is after the incident...doesn't he look traumatized??


Misty said...

I know all about haircut drama! My boys do it too. Rachel lets me hold them at her salon if I need to though. They don't have long hair, so something must be working. lol.

The Mac Attack said...

Oh my goodness. Let me tell you about the Drama of cutting Nathens hair when he was little yikes absolutly awful. Gabe is much better. But now they both get the clippers and the faster the better. Aria's good once we get her into the chair. So yeah good luck with the hair cut thing, hopefully he will just become used to it.

Linda said...

Yep that totally brought back memories of trying to have Rachel cut Nathan's hair. One time when he was maybe 3? Misty held him and I was lighting matches and blowing them out to keep him distracted. Also tried to get him to blow them out. He did get it cut after alot of tears. I'm sooo glad it's gotten better for them. Also congrats on the graduating! Happy for you!